class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Intro to R for Academic Researchers ## EPSY 887 - Fall 2019 ### Jason Bryer, Ph.D. ### University at Albany ### 2019-08-29 --- # Agenda * Introductions * Survey * Syllabus * Course schedule * Assignments * Intro to R and RStudio * One minute papers --- # Introduction A little about me: * Currently Executive Director at [Excelsior College]( * Principal Investigator for a Department of Education Grant (part of their FIPSE First in the World program) to develop a Diagnostic Assessment and Achievement of College Skills ([]( * Authored over a dozen R packages including: * [likert]( * [sqlutils]( * [timeline]( * Specialize in propensity score methods. Three new methods/R packages developed include: * [multilevelPSA]( * [TriMatch]( * [PSAboot]( --- # Also a Father... <center><img src='images/BoysFall2017.jpg' height='500'></center> --- # Runner... <center><img src='images/2019Marathon.jpeg' height='500'></center> --- # And photographer. <center><img src='images/Sleeping_Empire.jpg' height='500'></center> --- # Your turn * Name? * Program? * What statistics courses have you already taken? * What do you hope to get from this class? * What is something interesting about yourself we would otherwise not know? --- # Syllabus Syllabus and course materials are here: []( The site is built using the [Blogdown]( R package and hosted on [Github]( Each page of the site has a "Improve this page" link at the bottom right, use that to start a pull request on Github. --- # Course Schedule .small[ Date | Topic --------|---------------------------------------------------------------- Aug-29 | [Introduction to R and RStudio](/r/intror/) Sep-5 | Data wrangling Sep-12 | Data visualization Sep-19 | Programming with R Sep-26 | Documenting with R: `Rmarkdown`, `blogdown`, `bookdown` Oct-3 | Interactive websites with `shiny` Oct-10 | The ananytomy of an R package Oct-17 | Classification and regression tree (CART) methods Oct-24 | Propensity score analysis Oct-31 | Advanced propensity score analysis Nov-7 | **TBD Possible GoToMeeting class.** Nov-14 | Text Analysis Nov-21 | **No class meeting** - Video will be posted Nov-28 | **No class - Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃** Dec-5 | Presentations Dec-12 | Presentations / Course wrap-up ] --- # Assignments This course is graded as pass/fail. Successful students will attend and participate in the weekly classes as well as contribute to the course wiki. Weekly assignments will be assigned as appropriate. * **Participation** (10%) - Participate in class and the Slack discussions. * **Labs** (20%) - R Labs will be assigned as appropriate. * **Website** (30%) - Students are to create a website using either the `blogdown` or `bookdown` R package. * **Presentation** (40%) - The culmination of the course will be a short (20 to 30 minutes) presentation and document outlining the analysis you conducted with your dataset. Students are encouraged to bring their own dataset (e.g. data to be used for a dissertation), but that is not necessary. Many free and public datasets are available for use and will be discussed in the first couple classes. --- # Communication * Slack Channel: * Email: * Phone/GoToMeeting: Please email to schedule a time to meet. * In person - Email to schedule. --- # The DATA606 R Package The package can be installed from Github using the `devtools` package. ```r devtools::install_github('jbryer/DATA606') ``` Download the `Setup.R` script here: --- # Class Structure Please bring your laptop with R and Rstudio installed. The classes will be structured like workshops where there will be a combination of lecture and activites. In the second half of the class I would like to allocate class time to work on your projects you will be presented. --- # First Lab / Assignment Install R and Rstudio. Run the setup script: Complete Lab 1. Use the following commands to get started: ```r DATA606::startLab('Lab1') ```